We are passionate about protecting the environment and whole-heartedly support the Plastic Free movement in our community by offering our suppport for projects and initiatives that remove plastic from our local environment, providing funding where possible for projects and capital expenses, and attending beach cleans and steering group meetings.
In 2023, were proud to receive Plastic Free Community Ally status.
Both Plastic Free Minehead and Plastic Free Exmoor are working hard in our local area on projects, initiatives and community engagement, lobbying local MPs and the local authorities to take more positive and practical action for our environment.
We regularly attend bi-monthly steering group meetings to show our support for the projects and initiatives run by the Plastic Free groups. We provided seed funding for the Minehead Free Beach Toy Library, paying for a wooden sign and helping to keep the beach toy library stocked and maintained with beach toys for tourists and locals to use.
In 2022, we worked with the Severn Estaury Partnership and Litter Free Coast and Sea Somerset to facilitate and arrange for the loan of a sand cleaning trommel in Minehead. The trommel, made by Nurdle, is used to filter sand and remove microplastics and other litter from our beaches. We have held several sessions throughout 2022 and 2023 on the beach in Minehead engaging with and educating families and young people about the plastic in our oceans and on our beaches.
We regularly attend beach cleans, including the Marine Conservation Society's Great British Beach Clean in September 2023.